05. Install

Now, let’s launch hugo blog with the freshpink theme. There are two main ways to apply the theme to your hugo blog. There are two ways to apply the theme to hugo blog: using a submodule or downloading the file directly. Let’s take a look at each one and apply the theme slowly.

How to Install

Method 1: Install as a Git Submodule

1. Navigate to Your Hugo Site Directory

Open a terminal and change directory to your Hugo site root. If you haven’t created a Hugo site yet, run hugo new site yourSiteName to create one.

2. Add Theme as a Git Submodule

Add the FreshPink theme to your site as a Git submodule by running the following command:

git submodule add git@github.com:ElecBrandy/freshpink.git themes/freshpink

3. Update Site Configuration

Open your site’s config.toml file in a text editor and update the theme variable to "freshpink":

theme = "freshpink"

4. Preview Your Site

Run your site locally to see the theme in action:

hugo server

Method 2: Download and Install Manually

1. Download the Theme

Go to the FreshPink GitHub repository and download the theme as a ZIP file.

2. Extract and Move the Theme

Extract the ZIP file and move the extracted folder to the themes directory of your Hugo site.

3. Update Site Configuration

Just like in the Git Submodule method, open your config.toml file and set the theme variable to "freshpink".

4. Preview Your Site

Use the hugo server command to build and preview your site locally.

Customizing the Theme

FreshPink is designed to be easily customizable. You can modify the styles, layouts, and content as needed to suit your site’s needs.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Thank you for choosing FreshPink for your Hugo site! :)